Thursday, October 18, 2012

These Eyes

These eyes. These eyes are Mallory's eyes. These eyes have been commented on more times than we can count and used for more manipulations than any 4 year old should even know how to do.  I just never knew these eyes would end up being the center of our world, her world. 

Long before glasses became her 'thing'
It started with a routine eye exam. Two kids in elementary school and good health insurance pushed me to schedule eye exams.   Mallory, being the 3rd child , just went along like she always does.  Older two need glasses, ok, no problem. The doctor notices something on Mallory's left eye, but isn't too concerned so I'm not too concerned.  Remember, Mallory is the third child and not too much makes me panic anymore.  So in my head, I think 'well, we'll follow up in 2 years at the next exam (I have good insurance, but not that good to come every year).  This was January, fast forward to June. 

Well child visit (I try to keep up on them).  Mallory struggles with the eye exam they preform.  She tries to cheat when her right eye is covered.....Hmmmm.  The Dr. then notices she doesn't have red reflex in her left eye and rechecks this several times.  Whoa... what does that mean?  It means scheduling an appointment with a Pediatric ophthalmologist .  Ok. I got this covered. I call and schedule an appointment thinking its going to be months.  Nope. We get an appointment for the following week.  Again, Hmmm. That seems so quick.  The allergist is 4-6 weeks for an appointment.  So being all nerdy mom, I decide to research leukocoria. Bad idea. I worry mildly panic.

 Fast forward to appointment day.  Paperwork, check eyes, dilate eyes, check eyes. Diagnosis- cataract.  Course of treatment- patch 2 hours a day, glasses, follow up in 2 months. Eye sight in her left eye 20/80.  Ok, easy enough. Fight with her patch for 2 months....check.  Bribe her  for 2 months...check.  Replace the lens once in 2 months...check.   However, she LOVES her glasses. 

 Follow up in August:  Eye sight is no better. Actually, it's worse 20/125.  Course of treatment- surgery. < Insert whatever emotions you can think of here> We felt them all. 

Rockin' those glasses
Fast forward- Day of surgery. She did excellent. She made the surgery easy for us. No problems.  Dr. says its a congenital cataract. Course of treatment: eye drops, let it heal, follow up in a month.
Bonus of the day: The Dr. introduced me to another mom whose 2 year old had a cataract. Who in turn introduced me to the world of  'iMoms.'  Thanks, Amanda

And that month ends.... October 22nd.  That's when we will find out what is next for these eyes.


  1. She is absolutely beautiful! Thinking strong thoughts for you on 10/22!!!

  2. The beginning feels like such a whirlwind. So many emotions all mixed up, with a whole lotta fear and confusion. You made it though, she made it AND "those eyes" will too! So glad we met that fateful day, so glad you are feeling the imom love, it comes in handy on the tough days! ;)

    Love the first and last pics, she takes my breathe away in both!

  3. Beautiful daughter! Beautiful post! I love that she loves her glasses. I hope you get good news on 10/22! So glad to "meet" you!

  4. Welcome to the club! Even though it is a club we are drafted into and don't really sign up for - it is a great group of moms that just want our kids to SEE! I'm so glad that you met Amanda (and a tad jealous that you met her in the flesh) and are able to find some support. These gals are the best for those "no one gets this" days. Will be sending you good vibes on 10/22. We need a group calendar so we can all keep up with everyone's appointments!
