Friday, October 12, 2012

Chasing Rainbows

This is new.  This is scary.  The sharing of our journey navigating the world with our children- one who has a severe peanut allergy and asthma, one who was recently diagnosed with a cataract and one who lives in the middle of this craziness.  This is our journey of raising three kids, craziness and all, and at the end of the day making sure they have HOPE.
A view from our front door

Together, we chase rainbows. Because at the end of every rainbow lies a little bit of hope!


  1. Yay! Congrats on your new blog! Beautiful post, beautiful pic, can't wait to read more...

  2. Welcome imom! Love that you joined us! (And love that you have 3 kids!!)

  3. SO glad you started a blog. It is very cathartic.. for me anyway. I also enjoy reading other stories, realizing that I am not alone, and this isn't the end. It is just the beginning of a new (hard, but not impossible) journey.
