Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Looking Back at 2012

Welcome to 2013!
I have huge plans for 2013, but I think it's only fair to look back at 2012. To review, to reflect. Where I've been, what I've done and what I've accomplished.  In my rush to move forward and conquer 'stuff' (patching, eczema, asthma, being a good mom, finding 'me' time and the like), I often forget how far I've/we've come in just a year.  Here it is- My 2012 year in review, in no particular order:

  • Nick and Delaney get glasses :0)
  • Mallory is evaluated for speech therapy after discussing with pediatrician and finally making a self-referral.  It's determined she is about 2 years behind in certain areas and will therefore have 30 minutes of speech therapy twice a week.  I took a deep breath when I heard 'you know we have to classify your child as a child with special needs now.'  
  • It's Baseball time- Nick's first year on mechanical pitch

  • It's Dance time- Delaney's 3rd year and Mallory's 1st year
My niece, Mallory and Delaney

  • It's soccer time- Nick and Delaney both wanted to play and somehow I agreed to coach.  Not really my area of expertise, but I survived and the kids had fun.  This is what I learned coaching 5 & 6 year olds-  Make sure everyone gets to play and have a really good snack at the end :)
Mallory is too young to play, but always supportive

  • Mallory 'graduates' from Hope Lutheran Nursery School

  • A first (and probably only) Buffalo Bison baseball game. It was stressful for mom, but Nick had a great time.  I'm positive I had more medicine and Clorox wipes than any paramedic there. 

  • Mallory is diagnosed with a cataract- HUGE deal for 2012.  Discovered by her pediatrician and confirmed by the PO. Our first plan was to patch for 2 hours, wear her glasses and follow up in 2 months. 

  • Mallory has cataract surgery and IOL implant.  She made the surgery so much easier.  Only a few tears fell from her eyes before she willingly went with the nurses and doctor with her bear that the PO patched too :)  I met an amazing mom who introduced me to the world of blogging and other imoms. I will be forever grateful. 
  • Peanut allergy is here to stay, along with asthma and eczema.   Nick was retested (we do this about every 2 years). His levels are high, like off the charts high.  This means he's at a greater risk of an anaphylaxis reaction when exposed to peanuts.  

  • All 3 kids are baptized! Finally....

  • In June, it was a year since my oldest sister died from a heart attack.  We celebrated her life by letting go Chinese Lanterns.  A very cool sight (and very sad)!

  • A family trip to Black Lake.  This was our first family vacation with my husband's brothers and their families.  We had a great time boating, fishing, eating and laughing. It makes me wonder why it took 15+ years to spend a weekend together.  
  • A visit from brother and his family who live in Colorado. LOVE these visits when ALL the cousins are together.

  • Everyone goes to school <insert a few tears>.  Nick is in 2nd, Delaney is in 1st and Mallory started Pre-K.  
  • Christmas- always a fun, crazy time
Cousins- impatiently waiting to tear into those gifts

It was a busy, challenging, and fun year! Here's to the same for 2013!


  1. I love the going to school picture. You are amazing. Balancing all of the diagnoses. Your children are beautiful!

    I am sorry about the loss of your sister. Love how you celebrated her life!

  2. What a full, blessed year. Lots of challenges but lost of exitement and love too. You've survived and are already in the thick of 2013. I am continually amazed at how you juggle 3 kids with all its ups and downs.

  3. 3kids1wish... I've always wondered what exactly your "wish" is but judging from the challenging yet beautiful, full of life, year you have had with your 3kids... it's seems your 1wish might have come true?! Happiness to you and all the best in 2013! :)
