Saturday, January 19, 2013

The 3rd weekend in January

The 3rd weekend in January.
A weekend for 9 years represents grief.  
Feelings so raw
Reliving them each year

The 3rd weekend in January 2004
I lost a friend 
I lost our first child
11 weeks in and no heartbeat
3 years of trying to conceive
And it was not be 

The 3rd weekend in January
Remembering the devastation
Remembering the depression, the bargaining, the whys, the tears

The 3rd weekend in January 2012
My sister's first birthday she wouldn't celebrate
She would've been 40

The 3rd weekend in January 
It is not my friend
No matter the year
Big stuff, small stuff
It really isn't filled with good stuff

The 3rd weekend in January 
Revealing the power of HOPE
HOPE for a better tomorrow (or several tomorrows later)
Knowledge in my deepest sorrows 
There was HOPE for brighter days


  1. Hugs.... So sorry about the loss of your child! It is hard being the only one to grieve a life not fulfilled.

    The loss of a sister... that has got to be heart wrenching. I have two sisters, I imagine them living forever. To have them gone, well, I can't imagine. :(

    Hope you see the light at the end of the tunnel of this week soon.

  2. You will get through this, just like you have each year. And although I am sure it will never be easy... you my dear are getting stronger with every January that passes. Let hope continue to be your light, tomorrow is a brighter day. (((Hugs))) What a beautiful way to grow from your pain, I'm sorry for all your loss.

  3. Shedding a tear in Missouri for you. I know the pain of losing a child before you get to hold them in your arms. It is hard and so many people don't understand. To lose a sister - I can't imagine. Wish I could hug you in person, just to offer some sort of support. Thankfully February is around the corner. And while you won't forget, hopefully the springtime will bring renewed life and light in your heart.
