Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dear Prednisone....

Dear Prednisone,

First, let me start by saying thank you.  Thank you for coming to our rescue each time my child can't breathe. You truly are an amazing little pill.  You allow me to be able to sleep at night! Because of you, I don't have to lay for hours listening to make sure he is breathing.  I will always be incredibly grateful.

HOWEVER, I am little disappointed of your dictatorship around my house.  The dependency I have on you irritates me and apparently my a child as well. YOU control my house for 5 (5 really, really loooong days).  My child has packed his bags to move out of the house more times than I can count. Not to mention the suitcase of food he has decided he needs to have with him at all times.  He demands the tv, more wood on the fire because he cold.  He climbs the walls, literally... well at the least the stone fireplace which, in turn, makes his sisters think they can too.  The two year old tantrums that are thrown more times than a bouncy ball off the wall to see if he can hit his sisters in head... yeah, I'm so done with those too.

Here's what I propose:

  • Make your liquid partner taste amazing. I've smelled you before (I can't bring myself to taste you, even for the sake of my child.)  The cherry scented liquid doesn't quite cover up the cow manure smell.  Neither does it cover up the horrible taste judging from the chocolate chaser and glass of milk I have to have ready when giving a dose.  HELLO~ Bubblegum is an amazing flavor for little kids.  They will love you just for the taste.  
  • Create a sense of AWESOMENESS in my child.  I will allow you to dictate my house forEVER if you can do just this one thing.  Parents everywhere will be demanding you.  Side Effects:  May cause a sense of awesomeness in your child, not irritability, increased appetite, just plain awesomeness.
  • If you can't manage the above, please offer a complimentary supply of Xanax, Valium, Klonopin or a bottle of wine with each prescription.  Really, for what you put us through, us moms should be happy for a portion of those 5 days. Don't you think?

Steroid -Crazed Mothers
(who have secretly built their own tree house to hide in and consume a beverage (or beverages) of  her choice)


  1. This post cracks me up, even though it's not funny... I am glad you can find a sense of humor through it all. :)

    1. I'm glad you saw my humor :) Several times during the 5 day dose, I look around and ask myself 'Is this seriously happening right now?'

  2. Cracking up here! Plus- if you are getting the cherry crap, you have a terribly mean doctor and pharmacist. Ask for prednisolone- grape flavor only! It is MUCH MUCH MUCH better tasting (I've tasted them all!) Before you fill it, ask the pharmacist if it is the grape that is generic for Ora-Pred. If they aren't sure- find a new one!
    Sorry for the prednisone crazy- I can't fix that.

    Your fellow eye-mom/peds pharmacist
